Sunday, January 03, 2010

maybe a little ocd

Over a year and a half ago, or maybe closer to 2 years, I decided to grow out my hair to donate it to Locks of Love. The original plan was to grow it for a year, however it did not grow as long as fast as I thought it would.

So I just let it continue growing with the intent of cutting it sometime in 2009. However, every time I thought I was ready to get it cut and send it to Locks of Love, I really wasn't. Turns out having long hair started feeling like a security blanket and something I could hide with. Weird.

I have a thing(maybe a little ocd) about keeping things longer than I need. Then I end up keeping stuff that just piles up. Not like those hoarder crazies that keep everything. It does not bother me or pain me when I do get rid of stuff; and I can do it in a whim without second thought.

Mine usually starts with an idea of how I can reuse, re-purpose, recycle, or up-cycle something. So I accumulate the things needed for whatever idea I had. Then, after having way too much stuff for that project. I start it, Get bored with it; finally tossing out the stuff I accumulated for it.

So this year my main goal is to be less hoardy. I needed to start somewhere, so the first thing to go was my hair A friend made pony tails of my hair, cut them and then used clippers for the rest. Felt so liberating once it was done.

I probably should have taken before and after photos.

 This is the hair.

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