Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Name change!!

I have been thinking of changing my name. I was named after my father who I never really knew. I met him a couple of years ago, but there was just no connection and have had to interaction with him since. Nor do intend to. I have had a nickname since middle school and just about everybody knows by it. So I found the perfect last name for me also. Researching it seems very tedious to do a name change so I have decided not to change my name. At least not yet, but from it will be my alias or my alter ego. :) Those who know me then know my name already.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Muggy weather!

It is very muggy outside. Clouds rolled in yesterday and with them the moisture. This is why I didn't like living in Texas and why I would not live near too much water. The Muggy Weather. I like it hot and dry and I think that's why I am still here in AZ.... Laters