Welcome 2009! Let's hope this year is a good year for everyone... So what's the first thing you did when you woke up? Did you party hardy last night? Did you wake up with a hangover, headache, a person sleeping next to you who's name you don't know?
First thing I did was go pee(tmi maybe). Then made a pot of coffee. Drank coffee as I wished a Happy New Year to my online friends. If I forgot you, then happy new year to you! :)
My mom called to wish happy new year. Back home they are getting together, like every year, for breakfast. I think she said it's menudo or posole this year. After breakfast is the loteria and piƱatas. Wish I was there.
Then to pay bills. I'm usually ahead of the game and have all the bills for the month paid by the mid to end of the month previous to it. Not this time. All done now. Yay! Those of you who leave bills unpaid to the last minute or past their time... well I won't get into it, but for a short period my previous position included collecting on past due accounts, so I have heard just about every reason and excuse for not paying.
Anyways, hope your 2009 is a good one!
The photo on this post is from x-mas 2007 with family.
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