This October there were just so many things... and I wanted to blog about them as they happened... I did try keeping up the first part of the month, but then there were a few weekends in a row where I had things to do on both Sat and Sun that it didn't happen. Either way, I think that I like blogging about things once they have happened more than about when they are coming up... Seems like when I talk/blog about things before they occur the majority of the time they end up not happening or the initial plan changes... Anyway here is a quick(maybe not so quick) re-cap of October... and a bit of September...
So really where to start.. So I did blog about the
Sept. 3rd WNBA MERCURY vs Lynx game, and during the same post I talked a bit about the Hispanic Heritage Month event on
Sept 17th, that I helped put together for work, as well as a brief get together on
Sept 20th at
Pedro's house, that was nice, but one can only take so much karaoke in one night...
I missed talking about
Sept 5th... I made brownies and banana bread for a school event. I placed generous portions on a foam plate and individually put them inside plastic baggies tied with a red raffia bow. I thought they came out really nice. I also donated some hot dogs and hamburgers for the event. There were various booths at the event, although it was a bit dusty... Note for next time, make signs with info on what is being sold and at what price.
Sept 21st was the
HAPA concert at the
Orpheum Theater...
Sept 25th I did a presentation at work on my
Target House Trip...
Sept 27th was a day trip from Phoenix to northern AZ and then back down to Phoenix.
Then October...
October 1st went Halloween shopping, didn't buy anything, just browsed to see what kinds of halloweeny stuff was out this year... I'll have more on Halloween in ab it...
October 4th went to a Muslim Festival in Tempe... tehre were booths with crafts, food, travel booklets, there was also a museum like information that was put together of the history of Muslims in AZ, and a stage. Browsed for a bit then went to the
Rainbows Festival. At this one there were tons of booths with crafts, food, travel info, other events info, etc. It was packed.
October 5th I participated in the
City of Hope breast cancer walk. This walk went through the
Phoenix Zoo. This is the second year I have participated. Last year I was focused on walking and finishing as fast as possible. This year I took time in order to take more photos of the event and the zoo animals, specially the zoo animals :)
October 12th was the
Tempe Tardeada... On
my previous post I just put t link to their site and a brief that the event celebrates Tempe's Hispanic culture and community history. So when I got there, I browsed through their craft and informational booths, food booths, and their stage. There was a mariachi, I think from Tucson, playing when I got to the stage area. I drank a
Coca-Cola made in Mexico. It's sweeter than the US made Coke. It brought me back to the weekends I would be at my grandmother's house. I want one just thinking of it...
October 17th... Not really an event that I went to, but this day is when I voted early... Just thought it needed at least a line about it... I took a photo of my ballot before I voted and after I voted.
October 18th.., This day was packed full of events and wish I could have done all. There were three really that I wanted to go to, but only got to do two of them. First, the one I was not able to go to was
Tucson Pride. I would have needed to wake up super early to drive to Tucson and then would have only been able to be there a couple hours before I would need to head back. Maybe next year. So the events I did go to... During the day I went to the
Roosevelt Row Harvest Festival. It was great to see many different types of art and artists. I wanted to take photos of everything but I didn't as I thought maybe the artists may not want photos of thier artwork out there. So I took just a few photos of the event, but I did take one photo of one piece of art though, a dress wheret he bottom portion was made out of cut up plastic bags. Later that day, I participated in the
Light the Night Walk @ the
Tempe Town Lake. Seems that there were less vendors than last year.
October 19th began the
Childsplay's 2008-09 Spectacular Season of Theatre for Young Audiences and Families @ the Tempe Center for the Arts. I helped to put stickers on the book The Velveteen Rabbit which is one of the upcoming shows. This night they previewed the play called Getting Near to Baby, based on the book by Audrey Couloumbis. I got to stay and watch the play.
Octber 25th I helped at the
St. Mary's Food Bank. It was my first time helping at a food bank. I got to help in the sorting of food donated my various different stores. They have to be sorted and weighed one store at a time, reason being each particular store wants to know how much they donated. So from noon to 3pm I helped out in tossing the donated food that was unusable. I am so glad I got to participate and help out, however it is amazing how much food goes to waste.
October 26th I helped put together walker packs for the
JDRF walk that took place on Nov 1st. I got there a bit early, but I was able to start putting together the packs. It was to take us about 5 hours to put together the packs, but we were able to do it in 2 hours. I wasn't able to go to the walk itself.
October 31st... Was able to get off work about an hour early to come home and give out candy and frights.
Visit my
myspace, facebook, or
livespace for photo albums... :)
Hope you all have a happy start to the Holidays!