Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why did he go to Memphis?

If you read my May's stuff post, then you know that I was selected to go on an "all expense" paid trip to Memphis. The paid part was the flight, hotel, meals, transportation from August 4th - 6th, however since I chose to fly in 2 days early on Saturday, August 2nd I had to make my own accommodation arrangements for those 2 nights. I chose to go early so I could get in some touring in Memphis, since the other days were already planned with events. I'm glad I did.

Now I didn't elaborate then how I got chosen or what the trip was for, so I'll do it now.

The trip itself was to tour Target House, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and participate in a couple volunteer events. One was a meet and greet at Target House and the other was a festival for the the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. More specifics on those on later posts.

In order to be considered to be selected, I wrote brief essay like answers to 3 questions. What volunteer events had I participated in the past 12 months, what my passion for volunteering is, and why I wanted to participate in this volunteer trip. (Haven't decided yet if I want to post what I submitted) I don't know how many other co-workers submitted for consideration, but I was ecstatic when I found out I was one of the four from our location to participate.

In all it was 35 volunteers, including the event coordinator, that came from various locations. The majority were from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I was one of the four from Tempe, Arizona, USA. There was also a co-worker from Seoul, Korea and another from Shanghai, China and a few others from other US cities/states.

So if you did not know why I went to Memphis, now you know. :)