Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Civil Rights Museum, Meet & Greet, and Bullseye ! - August 4, 2008

I wanted to post these faster but for one thing or another it did not happen that way... Anyways here's Monday.

So, Monday, August 4, 2008, I wake up have breakfast and check out of my hotel. Robin picks me up we go get Starbucks and then drive a bit before heading to the Civil Rights Museum. We took about 2 hours for the Lorraine Motel portion of the museum. The other half of the museum is across the street.

Instead of going right at it, we headed to the Madison Hotel and checked in, dropped our bags. The rest of the volunteers were all starting to arrive at the Madison. We dropped a few off at Graceland, then Robin and I headed to drop off her rental vehicle since transportation would be provided for the rest of the trip.

After getting back from dropping off the rental vehicle we had lunch and then took the trolley back to the Civil Rights museum to finish the remaining portion of it, another 2 hours. :) Some people just flew by the museum but we took our time. I know I read most everything and saw almost all the videos they had.

We took the trolley back to the Madison went to our room and relaxed for a few minutes before heading down to meet the rest of the volunteers. It's evening at this point. We do introductions the Bullseye the Target dog came out. We learned some interesting info on how the eye gets colored in and about the trainer. Once all introductions including Bullseye's we had dinner that was catered by the Madison Hotel.

After dinner a group of us met to go down and walk on Beale St. I had a slushy during the walk that got me nice and relaxed :) We sat by a band that was playing, which was actually the band that Billy Bob had played with the night before, then we walked down to a place called Stax for drinks. We went back to the Madison after this.

The next two days would be the tours of Target House, St. Jude, and the events that came with them.

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