Sunday, November 30, 2008

Brief from 11/26/08

Brief from 11/26/08... Rainy days just make me want to stay in bed all day. Went to Target with Jerry and Ma. Later, Ma made cuernitos. Yum! Went to Wal-Mart and bank with Arron, errands. Picked up lunch. Ate late lunch. Watched Little Miss Sunshine with Ma during which I made a pumpkin pie. Then played Singstar with Ma. We watched the last half of Rosie Live. I liked it. Then Deal or No Deal. We really got into it. Then went to 99 cent store, Wal-Mart, McDonald's, gas station with Ma and Aaron. Night movie, watched the Devil Wears Prada.

1 comment:

Amy T Schubert said...

I love that you're doing this ... keep it up.