Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Phoenix Public Market!

From July 26, 2008

Phoenix Public Market!

Whenever possible, I've enjoyed going to local farmer's markets. 

When living in the Phoenix-Metro area, the Phoenix Public Market was one of my favorites because it featured locally grown produce as well as other items made by local artisans and it ensured that only locally grown and made items were sold.

Though didn't typically take photos of when visiting markets, took these three photos on this particular occasion. The first one was announcement that they would be opening the Phoenix Public Market Store, the second one showing construction some downtown buildings in the area, and the third announcing that the featured chefs for the day were, Betty Fraser and Richard Blais, from Top Chef.  

Audio: Added another part of "The One" audio that was from an old extraction and no idea from what PC game or other it came from.

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