Monday, June 17, 2024

Analog Musings

Analog Musings

For some time now I've had in my mind the desire to digitize my small collection of music and videos. Cassettes, VHS, Vinyl, and maybe even some DVDs and early Blu-Ray Discs.

Several years ago I got a device to digitize VHS recordings. For whatever reason haven't really worked on that. At some point will get into it. 

I've now also acquired a device to digitize cassettes and vinyl. This time, I'm actually working on it. Slowly, but working on it nonetheless. 

I've created a new playlist titled Analog Musings that will specifically include music/audio of such type recordings. Stay Tuned.

---The preceding was written and shared on No Tan Diario Chronicles YouTube a day ago, 16th of June of 2024. I decided it should also be cross-posted here and to add a bit more of my thought process. 

For a moment, I thought of creating a separate channel for them as they won't necessarily fit my other playlists. If you've been to my channel, you've likely learned that all videos go into their own dedicated playlist where videos are organized from most recent date of event to oldest. This past year, 2024, I created An Evolving Upload Journey playlist that includes every video in the order of creation/upload (except for Amalgam Creative Arts videos because, although I do have a playlist with all the videos organized from date of creation/upload, those really go on their own channel) as well as A Chronological Journey where videos are organized from oldest date of event (this one also excludes Amalgam Creative Arts in addition to the Memories of Yore: Photos From My Mother's Camera). So where on my timeline would I include these. Would it be date of release date? Date of mixtape creation? Mixtapes may have various dates as they were made, particularly when it was recorded from the radio.  

Another brief thought was to add them on my Amalgam Creative Arts channel, however, because Amalgam Creative Arts is about the creating of arts, crafts, lotions, potions, and more, it really wouldn't fit there. I want to keep that channel specifically about the creativity and inspiration of making and crating all sorts or art, arts, crafts, etc. that comes from my mind and a few of those around me. 

Ultimately, decided to include them on my No Tan Diario Chornicles channel because, although they are not specific videos/photos of a particular event/trip/celebration/etc., they are part of what someone could call the soundtrack of my life. Music and audio enjoyed at some moment of my life.

Therefore, in between creating/uploading my now typical video/photo collages chronicling my life, you'll get to watch/listen to some of the music that I've enjoyed. 

One thing's for sure is that in addition to them being on their own playlist, they will also go on the An Evolving Upload Journey since that one includes all videos (except for Amalgam Creative Arts).

P.S. At some point something similar to this will be done with the old VHS cassettes, and perhaps even DVDs, Blu-rays, and any old audio/video that is on physical media. Because my old physical media isn't huge, then at some point I may include also what has been gifted to me overtime. Even further may also decide some of the old non-analog audio/video from before streaming really got to be mainstream.

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