Sunday, June 30, 2024

Radio Music! - 2da Edición

Radio Music! - 2da Edición

This is a second edition of the recording from 1997 from a radio station that was called Crystal FM from Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico.

After the initial digitization of this recording, I continued to digitize my small cassette collection to be shared throughout the rest of the year. Some of the cassettes were in better shape than others, therefore some of the recordings have that distinct sound of when a cassette tape is wearing off. Additionally some had volume issues.

When the video for the original Radio Music cassette recording was created, I was able to use the video editing software to help with the volume issue. However, ultimately decided to go back to the original digitization of the Radio Music cassette recording to enhance the volume a bit and cut some of the dead air. 

The edit itself was minimal and unlikely that it will be noticeable once uploaded to YouTube, however decided that before the continuation of new monthly uploads of Analog Musings, I would create a second edition of the Radio Music cassette recording. 

Going forward, the hope is to have just one edition of my cassette tape recordings, and not have multiple editions/versions of them.  

Another thing that I decided to fix a bit was the visual transitions on the video/display portion from song to song. They are now better synchronized to each song change.

So here you now have a slightly shorter and arguably better edited video of the Radio Music cassette recording from 1997.

List of songs and artist.

0:00 Radio Music from Crystal FM circa 1997
0:12 Mirame by Sentidos Opuestos
3:43 Solo Traigo Mi Ritmo by Chayanne
6:30 Crazy by Aeorosmith
9:55 Corazon de Bombon by Anahi
12:05 Como es Possible Que a mi Lado by Luis Miguel
15:39 Vive El Momento by Kabah
18:46 Te Sigo Amando by Juan Gabriel
21:16 De Amarte by Pilar Montenegor
24:14 Que Bonito by Rosario
27:36 Vive el Momento by Kabah

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Consistent Uploads!


By now you've hopefully watched/listened to the Radio Music upload for the newly created Analog Musings playlist.

Radio Music!

Analog Musings Playlist

You may also know that, because I'm a bit of an introvert and procrastinator, uploading videos cane take me time and in no particular order. There'll be a a period of almost daily uploads and then nothing for a while. 

So this is just a note to say that I'm going to attempt to upload a new video at least once a month. The monthly uploads will be mostly for the Analog Musings playlist and in between those the typical No Tan Diario Chronicles chronology type of uploads. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Phoenix Public Market!

From July 26, 2008

Phoenix Public Market!

Whenever possible, I've enjoyed going to local farmer's markets. 

When living in the Phoenix-Metro area, the Phoenix Public Market was one of my favorites because it featured locally grown produce as well as other items made by local artisans and it ensured that only locally grown and made items were sold.

Though didn't typically take photos of when visiting markets, took these three photos on this particular occasion. The first one was announcement that they would be opening the Phoenix Public Market Store, the second one showing construction some downtown buildings in the area, and the third announcing that the featured chefs for the day were, Betty Fraser and Richard Blais, from Top Chef.  

Audio: Added another part of "The One" audio that was from an old extraction and no idea from what PC game or other it came from.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Salsa Pork Chops & Rice!

From July 21, 2008

Salsa Pork Chops & Rice!

Here is another short video collage of what was for dinner. This one on the 21st of July of the year 2008. 

Audio: Added another part of "The One" audio that was from an old extraction and no idea from what PC game or other it came from.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Miso Soup!

From July 19, 2008

Miso Soup!

Dinner on the 19th of July 2008 was miso soup. Here the photos of it.

Audio: For this short video collage, decided to use audio/music from something other than from the YouTube audio library. Browsed through my old collection of some extractions and found this one saved as "The One." No idea from what PC game or other it came from, but here you have the first 25 minutes of it used for this video.  

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Weekend Shopping!

From July 19, 2008

Weekend Shopping!

These are the handful of photos of shopping on Saturday, the 19th of July of 2008. Per the photos it looks like we went to the Phoenix Public Market in Downtown Phoenix and then to Macy's and shopped the Martha Stewart Collection. No idea if we went to other stores that day as these were the only photos. 

Audio: "Playdate" by The Great North Sound Society from the YouTube audio library.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Radio Music!

Radio Music!

This is a recording circa 1997 from a radio station that was called Crystal FM from Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico.   

It kicks off my new playlist titled Analog Musings that will feature digitized versions of cassette tapes and vinyl records that have been part of my life at one point or another.  You can read more about that on the Analog Musings post.

This was a fitting first start to this because Crystal FM was one of the radio stations that I listened to often growing up on the border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, US. 

The songs of this compilation were originally released between 1996 and 1997. This particular recording from the radio was in 1997.

 After the first two songs, the radio DJ provides the date in  Spanish as 23rd of February of 1997, before they play the last song for the night. No info on when the rest of the songs were recorded, but likely around the same time period. 

List of songs and artist.

0:00 Radio Music from Crystal FM circa 1997
0:20 Mirame by Sentidos Opuestos
3:50 Solo Traigo Mi Ritmo by Chayanne
6:37 Crazy by Aeorosmith
10:02 Corazon de Bombon by Anahi
12:12 Como es Possible Que a mi Lado by Luis Miguel
15:45 Vive El Momento by Kabah
18:54 Te Sigo Amando by Juan Gabriel
21:23 De Amarte by Pilar Montenegor
24:21 Que Bonito by Rosario
27:43 Vive el Momento by Kabah


Friday, June 21, 2024

Make as Wish!


From July 19, 2008


Make as Wish!

Finally on the 19th of July of 2008 we celebrated a belated birthday for #Armandzraven. Here the handful of photos taken of the cake with the candles lit an then after a wish was made the blown candles.

Audio: "Happy Birthday (at the Pub)" by E's Jammy Jams from the YouTube audio library.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Rainbow Chip Cookies!


Rainbow Chip Cookies!  

On the 18th of July of the year 2008, I also made some rainbow chip cookies to celebrate the birthday of #Armandzraven whose birthday is on the same month.

 Audio: "End of the Rainbow" by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube audio library.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sprinkles Birthday Cake!

From July 18, 2008

Sprinkles Birthday Cake! 

On the 18th of July of the year 2008, I baked a birthday cake with sprinkles to celebrate the birthday of #Armandzraven whose birthday is on the same month.

Audio: "Birthday Cake" by Reed Mathis from the YouTube audio library.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Making Chocolate Chip Cookies!

From July 13, 2008

Making Chocolate Chip Cookies! 

Here you have the two photos I took of making chocolate chip cookies back on the 13th of July of 2008. Why didn't I take photos of the final baked cookies?! It made me wonder, would we even remember some of our life's moments if we didn't take photos?

Audio: "Nutty Comedy" by Biz Baz Studio from the YouTube audio library.

Monday, June 17, 2024

TV Converter Box Coupon Program!

From July 8, 2008

TV Converter Box Coupon Program! 

These are photos that I took of the coupon cards that were received as part of the TV Converter Box Coupon Program.

Some of you may not remember or perhaps are too young to have even gone through this, but there was a time when televisions weren't digital.

Back when the TV signals were changing to digital, there was a program that you could apply for to get two coupons to use towards the purchase of two Digital Converter Boxes. This was so that those of us who didn't have digital televisions could still use our old TVs and be able to get the local digital channels. 

These are the two coupons/cards that I received. Took a photo of them on 8th of July of 2008 before going to the store to get my digital converter boxes.

I'm fairly sure that I still have the digital converter boxes in their original boxes in a storage box somewhere. Once located, I may make a short unboxing of them.  

Audio: The first few seconds of "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" By The Darkness, slowed down in order to create a bit of static type effect. To this I stacked, "Static From Radio Via RCA Cassette Player" recorded by Myself/Elkirbster from Amalgam Creative Arts, in order to add another layer of static to give that TV static type effect. 

Random thought/question, does anybody else find static relaxing?

Analog Musings

Analog Musings

For some time now I've had in my mind the desire to digitize my small collection of music and videos. Cassettes, VHS, Vinyl, and maybe even some DVDs and early Blu-Ray Discs.

Several years ago I got a device to digitize VHS recordings. For whatever reason haven't really worked on that. At some point will get into it. 

I've now also acquired a device to digitize cassettes and vinyl. This time, I'm actually working on it. Slowly, but working on it nonetheless. 

I've created a new playlist titled Analog Musings that will specifically include music/audio of such type recordings. Stay Tuned.

---The preceding was written and shared on No Tan Diario Chronicles YouTube a day ago, 16th of June of 2024. I decided it should also be cross-posted here and to add a bit more of my thought process. 

For a moment, I thought of creating a separate channel for them as they won't necessarily fit my other playlists. If you've been to my channel, you've likely learned that all videos go into their own dedicated playlist where videos are organized from most recent date of event to oldest. This past year, 2024, I created An Evolving Upload Journey playlist that includes every video in the order of creation/upload (except for Amalgam Creative Arts videos because, although I do have a playlist with all the videos organized from date of creation/upload, those really go on their own channel) as well as A Chronological Journey where videos are organized from oldest date of event (this one also excludes Amalgam Creative Arts in addition to the Memories of Yore: Photos From My Mother's Camera). So where on my timeline would I include these. Would it be date of release date? Date of mixtape creation? Mixtapes may have various dates as they were made, particularly when it was recorded from the radio.  

Another brief thought was to add them on my Amalgam Creative Arts channel, however, because Amalgam Creative Arts is about the creating of arts, crafts, lotions, potions, and more, it really wouldn't fit there. I want to keep that channel specifically about the creativity and inspiration of making and crating all sorts or art, arts, crafts, etc. that comes from my mind and a few of those around me. 

Ultimately, decided to include them on my No Tan Diario Chornicles channel because, although they are not specific videos/photos of a particular event/trip/celebration/etc., they are part of what someone could call the soundtrack of my life. Music and audio enjoyed at some moment of my life.

Therefore, in between creating/uploading my now typical video/photo collages chronicling my life, you'll get to watch/listen to some of the music that I've enjoyed. 

One thing's for sure is that in addition to them being on their own playlist, they will also go on the An Evolving Upload Journey since that one includes all videos (except for Amalgam Creative Arts).

P.S. At some point something similar to this will be done with the old VHS cassettes, and perhaps even DVDs, Blu-rays, and any old audio/video that is on physical media. Because my old physical media isn't huge, then at some point I may include also what has been gifted to me overtime. Even further may also decide some of the old non-analog audio/video from before streaming really got to be mainstream.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Summer BBQ & Pool Party at Pedro's!

From June 28, 2008

Summer BBQ & Pool Party at Pedro's! 

These are photos from the BBQ & Pool Party that took place at Pedro's house in Summer of 2008.

You may see a few repeated ones as we had shared these and in that process of then saving a copy of them I ended up with a few repeats. Decided I'd just leave them as is. 
These are some nostalgic memories as most of us no longer keep in touch and some have passed on. Some delightful memories for sure as these were some of the best times with co-worker friends outside of work with some of us spending more time together than others.

At times, I've also thought of adding the names of each person on the photos on many of the videos/collages made, however, ultimately choose not to as some may not want that. So, you'll likely continue seeing videos/collages that may occasionally reference the name of a person on titles, but not on the images themselves. Hopefully, I/we won't forget who they are. 

For memory's sake on this one, Pedro is the one wearing the palm tree apron.

Audio: "Avocado Street" by Wes Hutchinson from the YouTube Audio Library.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Brush Fire Smoke!

From June 27, 2008

Brush Fire Smoke! 

In June of 2008, there was a brush fire at South Mountain. The brush fire smoke could be seen throughout the valley/Phoenix-Metro and specially from South Phoenix, Tempe, Ahwatukee, and Chandler areas that were our main stomping grounds when living/working in Arizona. These are the quick snapshots taken during one of the drives home from work. 

Audio: "Unlit Highway" by Joel Steudler from the Epic Royalty Free Music Collection Vol. 2 that I acquired via Humble Bundle. It doesn't require attribution, however I like knowing/remembering where/who they are from.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Reading Kit Assembly with United Way!

From June 21, 2008

Reading Kit Assembly with United Way!

On the 21st of June of 2008 I volunteered with the #TargetVolunteers to assemble reading kits at a local United Way office. 

We organized the books and assembled the boxes they would be delivered in. It was a fun activity with some of my co-workers at the time. One thing I remember is a few paper cuts assembling those boxes. 

Audio: "Melancholic Memory" by Joel Steudler that was from the Epic Royalty Free Music Collection Vol. 2 that I acquired via Humble Bundle. It doesn't require attribution, however I like knowing/remembering where/who they are from.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Seguimos con visibilidad por los que no pueden! #PrideMonth #TakePride

Seguimos con visibilidad por los que no pueden! 


Audio: "No Me Voy A Quebrar" by Thaila from the El Sexto Sentido album.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

May y'all have a great Pride Month! #TakePride #PrideMonth

May y'all have a great Pride Month!


Audio: "La Super Chica" by Thalia from the EL Sexto Sentido (Re+Loaded) album.