So we did that then we went to The Venetian. Wow! This place is nice. Even their players cards are several steps above nicer than the other casinos. We played about $40 here and then had lunch at their food court. We grabbed lunch from Pizzeria de Enzo. It was yum-olicious! I didn't take a picture of this food court, however didn't feel like a food court. It was a great environment, comfy chairs, décor. Awesome!
We then took a stroll through the shops at the Venetian. There they have these human statues. Creepy with a capital C! They do have some real nice shops and gondola rides.

After the show we went to Lucky's Café at the Stratosphere. That's where Aaron had won a free dinner from earlier in the week. It was really busy the food was good, but we were pretty full from the appetizers so we doggy-bagged most of our dinner.
It was now past midnight. We stayed at the Stratosphere playing several hours, but I was ready to go to sleep at 2 am. So I left at around 2:30am. Aaron said he would stay out playing and then get a taxi back to Desert Paradise.
I woke up at around 7:30 showered and went to see if Aaron was still at the Stratosphere. He had left his cell phone behind so I couldn't just call him. He was not there, so I figured he grabbed a taxi and went somewhere else.
I purchased breakfast to bring back. Aaron got in just a bit after I had gotten back. He brought breakfast. So I ate what he brought and he ate what I brought. We watched Family Guy as we ate breakfast. He had met some neat friends and went to the gay district. From his recount sounds like it was tons of fun! He went to sleep after breakfast. I too was still tired so I too slept in longer!
Today is just an up in the air day as tomorrow we fly back. Our flight leaves at 12:30 pm. I still need to pack and I hope it's not delayed this time.