My Vegas Trip... 5/16/07 - Morning
5/16/07 - Morning
Yesterday was a great day!! After waking up and having showered and gotten dressed, we went to Walgreen's to pick up some eye drops for Aaron and some drinks (energy drinks, soda, coffee). We then came back to Desert Paradise to do an "update" to refresh on our Club Sunterra benefits and got a $100 Visa gift card. We'll be using that when we drop off the car.
After this, we headed to the Stratosphere. I wanted to sign up for a card like Aaron had done and then go eat at Lucky's Cafe as he had won a free meal for 2. It was closed. So I signed up for a rewards and then we started playing some slots. My goal was to get to at least 100 points to get a "Free" t-shirt. So we played a while at different machines. Once I had passed the 100 points I was ready to get my t-shirt.

First, however, we went to play a game where we had a guaranteed win. It was called The $50 for $20 Boutique. We would get $50 of play for $20 and like the dressed up girl said, "A guaranteed win!" So we played. We didn't win the cash prizes so we got a consolation prize, which is what they meant by guaranteed win, that we could choose from a store from one of their shops. We each got a set of sushi mats chopsticks and serving plates. The store was called Bijoux Terner, where everything is $10. So we basically used $20 to get a $10 item plus some fun slot time.
Then we went and got our "free" T-shirts for reaching 100 points. We stayed for the dr
awing for the give away called $30,000 PiƱata Cash Giveaway, the one Aaron had won dinner for 2 at Lucky's and $50 in Promo Chips, as I had now entered in my tickets. I didn't win. So we then went to eat at the Stratosphere buffet called The Courtyard Buffet. Aaron had gotten enough points to get two buffet comps aside from his t-shirt. This place was actually nice. There was a little bit of everything, Mexican, Chinese, American, soups, salads, etc. Aaron ate quickly and went to play slots as I finished dinner by myself.
It was past 7pm now and I wanted to go to New York New York Hotel & Casino. Roseanne Barr was doing her comedy show and we wanted to go to it. It was called Roseanne Barr's All You Can Eat Comedy and started at 8pm. We got there just in time. We got tickets, went in the theatre and sat down. Her show was just a little over an hour long. I loved it. She has a great act that includes stripping, dancing and singing. Too bad she did not come out for pictures, but I did get an autographed photo of her that she had signed earlier and Aaron got a t-shirt.
I was ready to go to sleep after this, but we stayed about an hour longer playing at the machines. We then headed back to Desert Paradise. We made a stop at Walgreen's for bath salts, tums, and soda. Once at Paradise we re-heated the leftovers from Joyful House and watched Family Guy. A bath before bed and then to sleep. Today is the Celine Show. So excited!!!