Saturday, March 08, 2025

Exploring Los Angeles! - 19 July 2009

Exploring Los Angeles! - 19 July 2009
From July 19, 2009

These are the photos that I took during the road trip to Los Angeles with Rocio and Ene to attend Reventon Super Estrella 2009! 

Because I didn’t take my camera to the concert, there are no photos of the concert taken by me. Thankfully, Rocio and Ene did bring theirs. Below are the videos I made with the photos they each shared.

Reventon Super Estrella 2009! - From Rocio

Reventon Super Estrella 2009! - From Ene

My photos are from the day after the concert where we explored a little of Los Angeles before heading back to Phoenix, Arizona.

Audio: "Back In The City" by the 126ers, "Silver Lakes" by Wes Hutchinson, and "As We Go" by the 126ers all from the YouTube audio library.

Friday, March 07, 2025

Reventon Super Estrella 2009! - From Ene

Reventon Super Estrella 2009! - From Ene
From July 18-19, 2009

These photos were taken by Ene from July 18th through the 19th during a weekend road trip taken from Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles, California for the Reventon Super Estrella 2009 concert that took place at The Staples Center.

Rocio and Ene drove from Phoenix, AZ to Los Angeles and I flew in from Las Vegas, where I had been celebrating Armnadzraven's birthday, to meet them. 

Las Vegas Birthday Trip! - 16 & 17 July 2009

Because I didn’t take my camera to the concert, there are no photos of the concert taken by me. Thankfully, Rocio and Ene did bring theirs. Additionally, I don’t have any memorabilia from this concert; however, these photos and the memories they bring are fantastic.

We then drove back together from Los Angeles, California to Phoenix, Arizona.

Audio: "Fin de la Noche" by Luna Cantina, "Bailando con el Viento" by Luna Cantina, "Latin Lover" by Quincas Moreira, and "Mariachiando" by Doug Maxwell and Jimmy fontanez, all from the YouTube audio library. 

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Reventon Super Estrella 2009! - From Rocio

Reventon Super Estrella 2009! - From Rocio
From July 18-19, 2009

These photos were taken by Rocio from July 18th through the 19th during a weekend road trip taken from Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles, California for the Reventon Super Estrella 2009 concert that took place at The Staples Center.

Rocio and Ene drove from Phoenix, AZ to Los Angeles and I flew in from Las Vegas, where I had been celebrating Armnadzraven's birthday, to meet them. 

Las Vegas Birthday Trip! - 16 & 17 July 2009

Because I didn’t take my camera to the concert, there are no photos of the concert taken by me. Thankfully, Rocio and Ene did bring theirs. Additionally, I don’t have any memorabilia from this concert; however, these photos and the memories they bring are fantastic.

We then drove back together from Los Angeles to Phoenix.

Audio: "Bailando con el Viento" By Luna Cantina from the YouTube audio library.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Las Vegas Birthday Trip! - 16 & 17 July 2009


Las Vegas Birthday Trip! - 16 & 17 July 2009
From July 16-17, 2009

Photos from the birthday trip to Las Vegas, celebrating Armandzraven's birthday. My memories of this trip include a great birthday dinner at a Japanese restaurant, followed by hanging out at the pool and hot tub with Armandzraven, their brother, and their brother's girlfriend at the time.

Audio: "Uh Oh" by Slynk from the YouTube audio library and the ambient of the one video section that is very typical Las Vegas traffic honking.

Make Your Mark on Diversity! - July 2009


Make Your Mark on Diversity! - July 2009
From July 2009

These are photos of a banner that was created with the help of participants by encouraging them to trace their hands and color them as they wished. What you see is the final result. Once completed, it was hung from the second-floor railing of the most trafficked building for all to see.

Though I can’t remember exactly when we originally placed the banner out for participants, I was in charge of sending out the wrap-up email communication, which included a photo. I took photos of the banner on the 4th and 5th of July and then sent the corresponding communication. The first image is of the communication, and the rest are the photos.

Audio: "Lost and Found" by Jeremy Blake from the YouTube audio library. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Celebrating Independence Day in Yuma! - 03 July 2009


Celebrating Independence Day in Yuma! - 03 July 2009
From July 03, 2009

These are the photos and videos (previously uploaded individually) from the Independence Day celebration in Yuma that took place on the 3rd of July. It was a day and afternoon at the Colorado River by Pivot Point Plaza. We then watched the fireworks from parking lot of the Fort Yuma Quechan Tribe office that is up on the hill and overlooks Paradise Casino. 

Audio: "Water Lily" by The 126ers from the YouTube audio library on the photo sections and the music/ambient of the videos. 

Celebrating Independence! - July 2009

Celebrating Independence! - July 2009
From July 2009

This is from the July 2009 calendar that as you may have guessed is Celebrating Independence.

The Declaration of Independence

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

The Declaration of Independence document proclaimed the independence of the 13 British colonies in America and was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. The declaration recounted the grievances of the colonies against the British crown and declared the colonies to be free and independent states. The proclamation of independence marked the culmination of a political process that had begun as a protest against oppressive restrictions imposed by the mother country on colonial trade, manufacturing, and political liberty and had developed into a revolutionary struggle resulting in the establishment of a new nation. 

Audio: "True to the Flag" by United States Marine Band from the YouTube audio library 

Monday, March 03, 2025

The Life of My Plants! - 28 June 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 28 June 2009
From June 28, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 28th of June 2009. As you can see, I took only one photo of a tomato plant.

Audio: "Eternal Garden" by Dan Henig from the YouTube audio library.

Jalapeños! - 20 June 2009

Jalapeños! - 20 June 2009
From June 20, 2009

These are photos of Jalapeños from the 20th of June. The photos we choose to take and keep is interesting. This one I had listed as Jalapeños from Fresh & Easy that I stuffed. They were probably delicious as stuffed jalapeños is one simple dish that I've almost never messed up. One thin is for sure is that Fresh & Easy was my favorite go to store when it existed. Wish it would make a comeback.  

Audio: "Eternal Garden" by Dan Henig from the YouTube audio library. 

The Life of My Plants! - 13 June 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 13 June 2009
From June 13, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 13th of June 2009. All those basil sprouts grew exponentially and they eventually took over that whole window sill. You can also see tomato plants bigger and a few new seedlings of other plants.  

Audio: "Eternal Garden" by Dan Henig from the YouTube audio library.

Celebrating Pride Month! - June 2009


Celebrating Pride Month! - June 2009
From June 2009

This is from the June 2009 calendar Celebrating Pride Month. The first image provides the top portion of the calendar that provides a brief history of Pride Month. Decided to share a snap of what the complete calendar looked like the rest of the images. I believe this may give you a better insight into what the Diversity Calendars we created during this time looked like.

June is Gay & Lesbian PRIDE Month.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community worldwide events are held in June to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in New York City on June 28, 1969, which most historians consider to be the birth of the modern GLBT civil rights movement. At the time, police raids on bars catering to GLBT patrons were common, but that night, the patrons of the Stonewall Inn fought back. While historical accounts of the night vary, the violent response ignited a national firestorm of activism that brought new visibility to the struggle for GLBT equality.

Audio: "Dance 4x" by TrackTribe from the YouTube audio library.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

The Life of My Plants! - 28 May 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 28 May 2009
From May 28, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 28th of May 2009.

Audio: "Veracruz" by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube audio library.

The Life of My Plants! - 25 May 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 25 May 2009
From May 25, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 25th of May 2009.

Audio: "Veracruz" by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube audio library.

Homemade Pizza: It's in the Dough! - 16 May 2009


Homemade Pizza: It's in the Dough! - 16 May 2009
From May 16, 2009

These are photos of when I made homemade pizza with my go to pizza crust recipe. I'd originally blogged about this with a bit more story on September 06, 2009 via my No Tan Diario Chronicles ~ Pre-2025 Blog. If you want to read that you can go to my It's in the dough blog post. 

It's in the dough

Although the recipe is geared to use a stand mixer, you can certainly mix by hand.

Crusty Pizza Dough

1 package active dry yeast
1 cup warm water(105°F to 115°F)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons olive oil
2 1/2-3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon cornmeal

Dissolve yeast in warm water in warmed mixer bowl. Add salt, olive oil, and 2 1/2 cups flour. Attach bowl and dough hook to mixer. Turn to Speed 2 and mix about 1 minute.

Continuing on Speed 2, add remaining flour, 1/2 cup at a time, and mix about 1 1/2 minutes, or until dough starts to clean sides of bowl. Knead on Speed 2 about 2 minutes longer.

Place dough in greased bowl, turning to grease top.
Cover. Let rise in warm place, free from draft, about 1 hour, or until doubled in bulk. Punch dough down.

Brush 14-inch pizza pan with oil. Sprinkle with cornmeal. Press dough across bottom of pan, forming a collar around edge to hold toppings.

Add toppings, as desired. Bake at 450°F for 15 to 20 minutes.
Yield: 4 servings (1/4 pizza per serving).

Audio: "Seaside Piazza" by Aaron Kenny from the YouTube audio library.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

The Life of My Plants! - 14 May 2009

The Life of My Plants! - 14 May 2009
From May 14, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 14th of May 2009. At the end of this one you see some trees and some of their dropped seeds from the place of my employment at the time. 

Audio: "Veracruz" by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube audio library.

The Life of My Plants! - 10 May 2009

The Life of My Plants! - 10 May 2009
From May 10, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 10th of May 2009. 

Audio: "Veracruz" by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube audio library. 

The Life of My Plants! - 09 May 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 09 May 2009
From May 09, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 9th of May 2009. 

Audio: "Veracruz" by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube audio library.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Life of My Plants! - 08 May 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 08 May 2009
From May 08, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 8th of May 2009. 

Audio: "Take Your Time" by Dan Lepowitz from the YouTube audio library.

The Life of My Plants! - 03 May 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 03 May 2009
From May 03, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 3rd of May 2009. 

Audio: "Take Your Time" by Dan Lepowitz from the YouTube audio library.

Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! - May 2009


Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! - May 2009
From May 2009

This is from the May 2009 calendar Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month honors the achievements of American ethnic groups with roots in Asia and the Pacific Islands and recognizes their contributions to the United States.

The U.S. Census Bureau lists more than 25 such groups -- Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipinos, Indian, Pakistani, Korean, Japanese, Cambodian, Laotian, Indonesian, Thai, Burmese, Malaysian, Taiwanese, Sri Lanka, Bangladeshi, and native Hawaiians, Polynesians, New Zealanders and Australians. As Americans, they contribute to the strength of the United States, help shape its future and share in its promise and opportunity. 

According to 2005 U.S. Census Bureau statistics, approximately 13.5 percent of U.S. residents say they are Asian or Asian in combination with one or more other races.  Hawaii is the U.S. state where Asians make up the highest proportion of the total population (58 percent) but, like most other ethnic groups, Americans with Asian or Pacific Island heritages reside throughout the United States.

Audio: "Nature Nurture" by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube audio library.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Life of My Plants! - 27 April 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 27 April 2009
From April 27, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 27th of April 2009. 

Audio: "Take Your Time" by Dan Lepowitz from the YouTube audio library.

Phoenix Pride Parade & Festival 2009!


Phoenix Pride Parade & Festival 2009!
From April 18, 2009

The Phoenix Pride Parade of 2009, took place on the 18th of April with the Phoenix Pride Festival on the 18th and 19th of April.

You may have seen my previous videos where I volunteered with #TargetVolunteers to help with some of the festival setup. There was also a thank-you social for the volunteers on the 17th. Additionally, I attempted to take a selfie while we waited for the bus, which would take us to the light rail to attend the parade and festival on the 17th. 

Target Volunteers at 2009 Phoenix Pride! - April 17, 2009

Pride Volunteer Thank You Social at Lux Coffee Bar - 17 April 2009

Oops I clicked camera ~ Phoenix Pride 2009 - Saturday, April 18, 2009

Audio: "To the Top" by Silent Partner from the YouTube audio library.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The Life of My Plants! - 18 April 2009


The Life of My Plants! - 18 April 2009
From April 18, 2009

These are photos of my plants taken the morning of the 18th of April 2009. As you may have noticed in many of my previous photo video collages from places I’ve visited, there are always pictures of plants, foliage, trees, and more of the like. I’ve always enjoyed plants, but this seems to be when I started trying to grow more of my own. Here, you can see some basil seedlings and my "Teléfono" (in Spanish), which is known in English as the "Wandering Jew" or "Spiderwort." Its scientific name is Tradescantia zebrina.

Audio: "Take Your Time" by Dan Lepowitz from the YouTube audio library.

SpongeBob SquarePants! - 17 April 2009


SpongeBob SquarePants! - 17 April 2009
From April 17, 2009

We saw SpongeBob SquarePants on top of Burger King on our way home after the Social at Lux!

Target Volunteers at 2009 Phoenix Pride! - April 17, 2009

Pride Volunteer Thank You Social at Lux Coffee Bar - 17 April 2009

Audio: "Emerald Seas" by Aaron Kenny from the YouTube audio library.

Pride Volunteer Thank You Social at Lux Coffee Bar - 17 April 2009


Pride Volunteer Thank You Social at Lux Coffee Bar - 17 April 2009
From April 17, 2009

This is a photo taken by Armandzraven (thank you!) at Lux Coffee Bar (now Lux Central) during the Thank You Social for the Target volunteers who helped with the Pride setup earlier in the day.

Target Volunteers at 2009 Phoenix Pride! - April 17, 2009

This is the only photo taken during the social gathering.

Audio: "Avocado Street" by Wes Hutchinson from the YouTube audio library.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hawaiian Party! - 04 April 2009

Hawaiian Party! - 04 April 2009
From April 04, 2009

These are photos of the Hawaiian themed party celebrating Rocio, Lorena, Alex, and Kirby's B-days at Pedro's House. The photos are from Karola, Pedro, and from Kirby(me). I also included the video that I took. 

I had previously uploaded the video I'd taken: Hawaiian Fiesta!!

For this compilation I edited the video slightly so you can see it a bit better.

These are some fun memories/times with coworkers and friends.

Audio: "Island Wave" by Track Tribe from the YouTube audio library and the music/ambient of the video at the end. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

5th Annual HRC Arizona Gala Dinner 2009! - 21 March 2009


5th Annual HRC Arizona Gala Dinner 2009! - 21 March 2009
From March 21, 2009

These are the photos taken at the HRC Arizona Gala in 2009. I was not able to participate this particular time, however I did ensure the info and recap were shared as during this time I was part of then called TFST Diversity Council, the TFST is for Target Financial Services Tempe, which we would sometimes simply call Tempe Diversity Council.

This was the recap shared with photos:

The 5th Annual Human Rights Campaign Arizona Gala Dinner was held on Saturday, March 21, 2009 at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona.  The Tempe Diversity Council had helpers there throughout the day.  Two store team members help with set up and four team members and two friends helped with the silent auction.

Audio: "Target Fuse" by French Fuse from the YouTube audio library

Friday, February 21, 2025

Birthday 2009!


Birthday 2009!
From March 20, 2009

These are photos of the birthday cookout celebrating my birthday in 2009. As you can see, mostly photos of the food and cake. 

Audio: "Happy Birthday Soul" by E's Jammy Jams from the YouTube audio library.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Celebrating Women's History Month! - March 2009


Celebrating Women's History Month! - March 2009
From March 2009

During my time with the TFST Diversity Council—which would undergo several name changes in the future, including Tempe Diversity Council, Tempe Diversity & Inclusion Council, Tempe Inclusion Council, and others—there was a period from 2008 through 2009 when we created and shared a Diversity Calendar. I’ve decided to share parts of those calendars where the information provided offers historical insights into diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This is from the March 2009 calendar Celebrating Women's History Month. The first image shows how it originally looked, and the second has been updated so you can hopefully see it better. You can also read the text in the description below.

Celebrating Women’s History Month

“Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember.”
~ Annie Sullivan

Anne Sullivan was the daughter of Irish immigrant farmers, Thomas Sullivan and Alice Cloesy. She had one brother, Jimmie, who was crippled from tuberculosis. Growing up, Anne was subject to poverty and physical abuse by her alcoholic father and at the age of five, trachoma struck Anne, leaving her almost blind. Two years later, her mother died and her father abandoned his children to an orphanage in Tewksbury, MA where her brother died shortly thereafter.

Despite being left in a orphanage with no formal educational facilities, Anne Sullivan prospered. When the state board of charities chairman,

Frank Sanborn visited the Tewksbury orphanage, Anne literally threw herself in front of him crying, "Mr. Sanborn, I want to go to school."

After regaining her eyesight from a series of operations and graduating as class valedictorian in 1886 from the Perkins Institute for the Blind, she began teaching Helen Keller. When Miss Sullivan first arrived, Helen was seven years old and highly undisciplined. Miss Sullivan had to begin her teaching with lessons in obedience, followed by teachings of the manual and Braille alphabets. All who came in contact with them were amazed at the ability of Miss Sullivan to reach Miss Keller and Miss Keller's heightened ability to grasp concepts unheard of by deaf and blind students before her. Alexander Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, Henry H. Rogers and John Spaulding were only a few of those who met them and supported them.

Audio: "Travelator" by Density & Time from the YouTube audio library.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Celebrating Black History Month! - February 2009



Celebrating Black History Month! - February 2009
From February 2009

During my time with the TFST Diversity Council—which would undergo several name changes in the future, including Tempe Diversity Council, Tempe Diversity & Inclusion Council, Tempe Inclusion Council, and others—there was a period from 2008 through 2009 when we created and shared a Diversity Calendar. I’ve decided to share parts of those calendars where the information provided offers historical insights into diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Today I share this image from the February 2009 calendar Celebrating Black History Month. 

“I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

- Rosa Louise Parks

December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to yield her seat to a white man, as the law required. Her arrest triggered the Montgomery bus boycott.  Parks was fined $14 which she refused to pay and instead appealed to the circuit court.

A 1956 district court lawsuit brought by the Montgomery Improvement Association and other civil rights advocates challenged segregated seating in public transportation; the court ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court later upheld the decision in November 1956. Desegregation of Montgomery buses began a month later.

Audio: Narration by me with "Rainy Day" by Matt Harris from the YouTube audio library in the background.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Holidays 2008! - 25 December 2008


Holidays 2008! - 25 December 2008
From December 25, 2008

These are photos from Christmas Day in 2008. While most years I take photos throughout the season that include decorations, snacks, food, and more, in 2008 I only took photos on the 25th of December. 

The only other photos taken were during specific events:
Phoenix ZooLights 2008! | Extended Version ~ November 28, 2008

APS Fiesta of Light 2008! - December 6, 2008

Holiday Party 2008! - 20 December 2008

Here, you’ll first see how I decorated the house we lived in at the time. The window painted to look like stained glass was done by Armanzraven. You’ll also see a close-up of the Precious Moments nativity scene, which I still have and use to this day. After that, you’ll see the presents I received that year. Those were good times when you could get nice gifts at decent prices, as over the years everything has become much more expensive. Following the photos of the presents, you’ll see the indoor decorations with their lights turned on, as well as the holiday cards I received that year.

Audio: "We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Instrumental Jazz)" and "Up on the Housetop (Instrumental)" both by E's Jammy Jams from the YouTube audio library.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Holiday Party 2008! - 20 December 2008


Holiday Party 2008! - 20 December 2008
From December 20, 2008

These are photos from the 2008 Holiday Party hosted by Rocio. The first five photos were taken by me at the party, the next six photos are of my preparation of some gifts, and the rest of the photos were not taken by me but were shared by attendees.

Audio: "Deck The Halls" by The Soundings from the YouTube audio library.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

APS Fiesta of Light 2008! - December 6, 2008

APS Fiesta of Light 2008! - December 6, 2008
From December 6, 2008

These are all the photos and videos taken during the 2008 APS Fiesta of Light parade that took place on the 6th of December. This compilation of photos and videos are organized in the order they were taken. If the video portions appear familiar, it's because I'd previously uploaded the 26 videos of this parade individually. 

However, for this edit compiling all the videos and photos, I added some slight effects on a handful of the photos and the videos to be able to see them a bit better. 

Audio: "Oh Christmas Tree" by DJ Williams from the YouTube audio library on the photos sections and the music/ambient of the video sections.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Mom Takes Flight! - November 29, 2008


Mom Takes Flight! - November 29, 2008
From November 29, 2008

This is a photo of my mother with a coffee as we waited at the airport before her flight.

In November of 2008, my mother visited during the Thanksgiving week. She arrived on the 21st with the last day being the 29th. During her visit we went to various shops, malls, markets, events, and of course Thanksgiving Day dinner. 

If you'd like to watch photos that were taken by my mother during this time, you can go to minute 2:28 of the video Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights as well as Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights

Audio: "Si Señorita" by Chris Haugen from the YouTube audio library.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Phoenix ZooLights 2008! | Extended Version ~ November 28, 2008

 Phoenix ZooLights 2008! | Extended Version ~ November 28, 2008
From November 28, 2008

These are all the photos and videos that I took on the 28th of November, 2008 at the Phoenix ZooLights. They are organized in order of the time taken. 

If some of this appears familiar, it's because I'd previously uploaded just the videos themselves as well as the ones from my mother's camera. 

2008 Phoenix Zoolights! ~ snippets

2008 Phoenix Zoolights!

In November of 2008, my mother visited during the Thanksgiving week. She arrived on the 21st with the last day being the 29th. During her visit we went to various shops, malls, markets, events, and of course Thanksgiving Day dinner.  

If you'd like to watch photos that were taken by my mother during this time, you can go to minute 2:28 of the video Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights as well as Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights

Audio: "Snow Princess" by Jimena Contreras, "Christmas Chores" by RKVC, "Christmas Homecoming" by Aaron Kenny. "Joy To The World" by DJ Williams, "Silent Night (Instrumental Jazz)" by E's Jammy Jams from the YouTube audio library and the music/ambient sounds of the video sections.

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Thanksgiving 2008! ~ November 26 & 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008! ~ November 26 & 27, 2008
From November 26 & 27, 2008

These are photos of Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day! 

On Thanksgiving Eve we prepped some of the items including cuernitos and pumpkin pie. I made the pie and my mother made the cuernitos. On Thanksgiving Day the first thing in the oven was the turkey that we chose to cook in one a bag. My mother made the deviled eggs while we prepped the table and the other dishes. After all these photos that I took of the prep and ingredients, we enjoyed a lovely meal, yet didn't take a photo of how the plate looked like. HAHA! 

In November of 2008, my mother visited during the Thanksgiving week. She arrived on the 21st with the last day being the 29th. During her visit we went to various shops, malls, markets, events, and of course Thanksgiving Day dinner.  

If you'd like to watch photos that were taken by my mother during this time, you can go to minute 2:28 of the video Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights as well as Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights

Audio: "The Thought of You" by TrackTribe from the YouTube audio library. 


Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Quiche! ~ November 23, 2008

Quiche! ~ November 23, 2008
From November 23, 2008

These are photo of a delicious quiche made for late lunch, early dinner, on the 23rd of November. If I remember correctly this one was from the then existing store Fresh & Easy OR I may have made it using a pre-made crust.

In November of 2008, my mother visited during the Thanksgiving week. She arrived on the 21st with the last day being the 29th. During her visit we went to various shops, malls, markets, events, and of course Thanksgiving Day dinner.  

If you'd like to watch photos that were taken by my mother during this time, you can go to minute 2:28 of the video Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights as well as Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights  

Audio: "Checkmate" by Nathan Moore from the YouTube audio library. 


Monday, February 03, 2025

Discover India Festival 2008! ~ November 23, 2008

Discover India Festival 2008! ~ November 23, 2008
From November 23, 2008

These are photo of a delicious quiche made for late lunch, early dinner, on the 23rd of November. If I remember correctly this one was from the then existing store Fresh & Easy.

In November of 2008, my mother visited during the Thanksgiving week. She arrived on the 21st with the last day being the 29th. During her visit we went to various shops, malls, markets, events, and of course Thanksgiving Day dinner.  

If you'd like to watch photos that were taken by my mother during this time, you can go to minute 2:28 of the video Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights as well as Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights  

Audio: "The Movement of India" by Akash Gandhi from the YouTube audio library.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Peace Park: A Serenity Oasis at St. Mary’s Basilica ~ November 23, 2008

Peace Park: A Serenity Oasis at St. Mary’s Basilica ~ November 23, 2008
From November 23, 2008

These are photos at Peace Park which is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix Virginia G. Piper Plaza at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Basilica taken the morning of the 23rd of November of 2008. The plethora of Palo Verde trees create a canopy that gives it a very serene and peaceful vibe. Took these photos while my mother was at mass at the church.

In November of 2008, my mother visited during the Thanksgiving week. She arrived on the 21st with the last day being the 29th. During her visit we went to various shops, malls, markets, events, and of course Thanksgiving Day dinner.  

If you'd like to watch photos that were taken by my mother during this time, you can go to minute 2:28 of the video Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights as well as Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights  

Audio: "Timeless" by Lauren Duski from the YouTube audio library. 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Market Treasures! - November 22, 2008


Market Treasures! - November 22, 2008
From November 22, 2008

These are some of the handcrafted treasures that my mom acquired at the market in Downtown Phoenix on the 22nd of November of 2008. If memory serves me right, these were items that were then given as gifts.

In November of 2008, my mother visited during the Thanksgiving week. She arrived on the 21st with the last day being the 29th. During her visit we went to various shops, malls, markets, events, and of course Thanksgiving Day dinner.

If you'd like to watch photos that were taken by my mother during this time, you can go to minute 2:28 of the video Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights as well as Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights  

Audio: "Avocado Street" by Wes Hutchinson from the YouTube audio library. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Dinner at Pan Asia! | With Aaron and Jerry ~ November 12, 2008


Dinner at Pan Asia! | With Aaron and Jerry ~ November 12, 2008
From November 12, 2008

As you may know if you've watched some of my older videos, I've been taking photos of food since before it was commonplace to do so.

These are photos of dinner at Pan Asia, a restaurant that no longer exists. It was a sushi Chinese fusion restaurant located in the South Phoenix area at 2485 E Baseline Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85042.

In these photos, you can see the sushi roll that contains shrimp. We did order other menu items, but the sushi roll was the most visually appealing, which is why it’s featured in the photos. The folder containing these photos was titled Dinner at Pan Asia with Aaron and Jerry. Although we didn’t take photos of ourselves, this was a special outing where our schedules aligned, and we enjoyed a meal together. We returned to this restaurant several more times until, like many restaurants, it failed to maintain the quality of its food relative to its prices and eventually closed.

Audio: "Home Videos" from a commercial royalty free pack that I acquired.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Volunteering at St. Mary's Food Bank! ~ October 25, 2008

Volunteering at St. Mary's Food Bank! ~ October 25, 2008
From October 25, 2008

This is a collage of the mini vid and photos taken during the volunteer event at St. Mary's Food Bank where we helped sort donations.  

Audio: "Green Green Garden" by Chris Haugen from the YouTube audio library.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Volunteer Spotlight: Childsplay’s ‘Getting Near To Baby’ Shines in Target’s Storybook Season!


Volunteer Spotlight: Childsplay’s ‘Getting Near To Baby’ Shines in Target’s Storybook Season!
From October 19, 2008

These photos were taken during the volunteer event where I participated alongside Target volunteers to stamp copies of The Velveteen Rabbit with Target bookplates and distribute one book per family. The event took place before the performance of Childsplay’s Getting Near to Baby on Sunday, October 19, 2008, at the Tempe Center for the Arts. Volunteers were also able to enjoy the play afterward.

In the photos, you can see a bit of the behind-the-scenes action, the stage, one of the volunteers with copies of The Velveteen Rabbit, how the stamped bookplate looked, and a glimpse of the landscaping and sky at the Tempe Center for the Arts.

Audio: "Almost A Year Ago" by John Deley and the 41 Players from the YouTube audio library.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Light the Night Walk 2008!


Light the Night Walk 2008!
From October 18, 2008

The 2008 Light the Nigh Walk took place on Saturday, October 18th at the Tempe Town Lake Beach Park. It was the 10 year anniversary of the walk benefiting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Walk with also celebrates, honors and remembers those touched by cancer. The walk itself was 3.2 miles and started at 7:30 PM.

On this occasion I participated along with Target Volunteers who provides us with a Light The night t-shirt, balloons, and Target branded goodies. Texas Roadhouse restaurant was on hand with a complimentary BBQ dinner for registered walkers from 5:30 PM - 7 PM.

Audio: "Lament (Golden Light)" by Devon Church from the YouTube audio library.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Roosevelt Row Harvest Festival!


Roosevelt Row Harvest Festival! 
From October 18, 2008

These are photos from the 2008 Roosevelt Row Harvest Festival that took place on October 18, 2008 from Noon to 7 PM. 

Roosevelt Row is downtown Phoenix’s walkable arts district, home to art galleries, restaurants, bars and boutique shops in a landscape dotted by colorful street art.

Popular events in the neighborhood include the monthly First Fridays Art Walk and annual festivities such as the Harvest Festival you see on these images and more. 

Audio: "Harvest Time" by Silent Partner from the YouTube audio library.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Do You Vote? 2008 General Election Ballot ~ Arizona

Do You Vote? 2008 General Election Ballot ~ Arizona
From October 17, 2008

Do you vote?

These are photos that I took of my 2008 General Election ballot in Arizona, the last time I would vote for any of the two major parties for president of these United States of America.

One thing that I really liked about voting during the time I lived in Arizona is that you could be enrolled in permanent early ballot. 

Audio: "Solar Power" by Ashley Shadow from the YouTube audio library with the speed lowered by half. 


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Welcome to No Tan Diario Chronicles!

 Welcome to No Tan Diario Chronicles!
El Diario no tan Diario de Kirby. 

The "No Tan Diario Chronicles" blog feature myself, family, friends, & includes a multitude of events at various points of Kirby's life, who is also known as Kirbs, Kirbster, El Kirbster, & others depending where and when in life we've met. 

It includes moments I've enjoyed and/or have been passionate about throughout my life include: Volunteering, Diversity & Inclusion, Art, Crafts, Video Games, Gardening, Cooking, Recipes, Music, Movies/TV, Graphic Design, Social/Online Media and Communications.

When the blog was originally created it was just titled as Elkirbster, hence the URL for it being Over the years I've updated the title multiple times. Multifacetico was one that was used for a lengthy time until coming up with the title, "No Tan Diario Chronicles. El Diario no tan Diario de Kirby." This most recent title is one that I finally felt captured the essence of what the blog was meant to be.

In early 2024 I decided to update the name to the corresponding/companion YouTube channel, which really is now the main place to upload with the blog an addition. With that update, I wanted the URL to match as well. However, I couldn't figure out how to do that without manually updating or re-posting every entry. Still, I wanted to keep the URL, so here we are now with this solution.

Beginning with 2025, non-video blog posts will be exclusively on, while YouTube video blog posts will be posted on both.