Monday, May 27, 2024

Backup you stuff!

Just a quick post to say that haven't uploaded any new recent photo/videos because for a moment there it appeared that my computer was dead or going to die.

A while back the external drive I had my photos/vids/etc. started making a clicking sound and so before it died completely I transferred everything onto the drive of the computer itself. It also included the majority of my Amalgam Creative Arts ones.

The intent was to get a replacement external drive to then transfer them to, because the computer itself was almost just as old as that drive. 

So on the 9th of May of 2024 I upload a photo video creation to No Tan Diario Chronicles and two, one posted and one pending to post in June, for Amalgam Creative Arts, then the next day the laptop would only boot into a black screen. 

After several attempts to reboot and still just black screen I'd almost given up hope of being able to recover any of them. So took a few days to research and get a replacement hard drive and even to determine perhaps a new computer. 

Once I'd gotten a new hard drive, decided to give it one last attempt at a reboot and it it loaded up. Thankfully was able to then transfer it all out. Then did a full restore of the computer and it appears to be working okay. 

I've chosen to take a short break and so won't be creating an new ones until June. Likely sometime on or after the pre-scheduled post for Amalgam Creative Arts. 

 For now enjoy this old photo, that if the date is correct, is from November 2005.

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