Monday, November 06, 2023

Maricopa County Fair! - 2007

Taken April 13, 2007

Maricopa County Fair! - 2007

These are the couple of photos that were taken when we went to the 2007 Maricopa County Fair. The intent was to take plenty of photos, however, if memory serves me right, I ran out of battery and didn't have spares.  The flyer was downloaded from their website. The mini video, which I have previously uploaded on its own, was taken in error as was attempting to take just the photo of the Ferris wheel, which is what you see following. Once inside the fairgrounds I was able take just one more photo. 

So to make this video a bit more fun, you'll see the flyer, as originally downloaded, along with the mini video and the two photos, as originally taken, and then repeated them with after playing with some effects on them. The background photo is also playing with its colorization and by far one of my favorites.

Oh in case you want to know, I use Camtasia for the majority of my quick photo/vid collages. I use a quite old version of it, Camtasia 9 to be exact. At some point in the future I might upgrade to a newer version, however since I mostly use it for these type of photo and vid collages, no rush on upgrading.

Audio: Rodeo Show by The Green Orbs from the YouTube Audio Library.

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