Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ End of the Year
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: Natural Light by Chris Haugen and Christmas Homecoming by Aaron Kenny which are from the YouTube Audio Library.
Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Phoenix ZooLights
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: Snow Princess by Jimena Contreras, Christmas Chores by RKVC, and Oh Christmas Tree by DJ Williams which are all from the YouTube Audio Library.
Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Season of Thanks
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: Autumn Wind by Dyalia and Fresh Fallen Snow by Chris Haugen both from the YouTube Audio Library.
Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Quince y Mรกs
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: Family Album by Magic In The Other and Fiesta de la Vida by Aaron Kenny both from the YouTube Audio Library.
Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Summertime
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: Summer Symphony Ball by Sir Cubworth from the YouTube Audio Library
Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Springtime
*Note on some of the photos you will notice dates imprinted that when crosschecked weren't accurate as appears the date on the camera wasn't set properly until later in 2008.
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: Images of Tomorrow by Unicorn Heads and Winds of Spring by The 126ers that were both from the YouTube Audio Library.
This is a video of Samson, Sammy Mouse as we often called him, holding his Momma's hand. The video taken by #Armandzraven while we still lived in Arizona. He had a tumor and due to his age he would not have survived surgery therefore we put him down on August 08, 2023. Therefore this one will be out of typical order on the YouTube Playlist.
Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Beginning of the Year
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: New Year's Anthem by Quincas Moreira from the YouTube Library
Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera ~ 2007
Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them.
In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.
The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken.
Audio: There is one video from my Mother's camera and so that particular portion it is from the video itself. The music throughout are three songs: In Eternity We'll Meet by Aakash Gandhi, M Fisher by Mini Vandals, and Over the Mountain by Mini Vandals from the YouTube Music Library