Saturday, August 12, 2023

Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Quince y Más

Taken in 2008

Memories of Yore: Photos from My Mother's Camera - 2008 ~ Quince y Más

Hello there. After having taken out all the photos from my mother's camera, which had photos from 2007 through 2011, I thought perhaps making photo/vid collages of them. 

In the past I've uploaded a video here and there, however, ultimately decided in making specific photo/vid collages of them to share. This series is titled Memories of Yore: Photos from my Mother's Camera and will include the year. The years where there were so many photos that would have made for a far too long of a video have been broken down to specific videos.

The background image is a photo I took of my mother in 2007 where she is looking at the photos on the camera where all these photos were taken. 

Audio: Family Album by Magic In The Other and Fiesta de la Vida by Aaron Kenny both from the YouTube Audio Library.

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