Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Holiday Treats! - 2006

Taken on December 17 -25, 2006

These are photos of the treats we made to celebrate the Holidays in 2006 that were enjoyed for the end of year holiday season that included Xmas, Winter Solstice, and New Year's Eve/Day. Enjoyed by myself, Armandzraven, and cousin Jerry.

This was back in December of 2006 and the treats were made over several days and include a cake, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, sugar cookies with Hershey's Kisses, and the Minty Merengue Drop Cookies of which I've previously shared a post of. 

Minty Merengue Drop Cookies - December 2006: https://youtu.be/wUqZvMyByOg 

Audio: Christmas Chores by RKVC from the YouTube video library.

#Holiday #WinterSolstice #NewYear #Xmas #Christmas

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