As I was clearing out old papers from when I attended the University of Advancing Computer Technology, now called University of Advancing Technology, I found a short piece I wrote titled 'Who am I?'. It wasn't dated but was in the school papers from the year 2000, therefore it must be from then, between an assignment from PSY101. This may have been related to that class. Although, the actual assignment was writing a paper using the American Psychological Association (APA) Format.
Who am I?
I am a part of the ever-flowing energy of everyday. Adding a balance of both positive and negative energy. A grain of sand on the seashore at the end of our galaxy. Becoming a more productive human being to help contribute to the everyday journey of knowing oneself better to explain the unexplained of finding a purpose of like. I am part of a purpose much higher than can be conceived contributing the constant energy flow. I am unbalancing the energy of the cosmos, but with the cosmos' rule I will receive back what I give threefold. It's the law of nature. The law of energy available to the use of anyone who learns to manipulate it. The whole purpose of a balance of good and bad energy.
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