Friday, November 22, 2019

Eliminate the Clutter!

One of the things I have the most difficulty with is eliminating, getting rid of stuff. I'll hang on to something for a number of of reasons. I'll keep items that have no meaning (empty tissue boxes, worn clothes, broken mugs, newspapers/magazines/books, etc.) because of an idea to reuse/re-purpose/recycle in a creative way, or, it may have an emotional meaning (the first time I went to "fill in the blank"), and yet others because I just liked them at a time and what if I like the item again.

I find now that physical clutter also clutters the mind. Additionally, purchasing items that get little to no use is a waste of money.

One of the ways I have found that I can eliminate physical clutter is taking a photo. There's that saying, "Take a picture, it'll last longer!", which rings true to me eliminating items. I'll sometimes add the photos of them on my Instagram, and on some will all add a tag #FotosDeCosasEliminadasParaRecordarlas which translates to "Photos of Eliminated Things to Remember Them".

A second way I have found useful in getting rid of stuff is donating them. Usable clothing items and the like, I'll gather and take to a Big Brothers, Big Sisters donation bin. In my area there is a place called Treasures 4 Teachers, where I take other material that can be used, re-purposed, or sold. As a last option I sometimes will also take items to Goodwill. Occasionally I will take items back home to the border-town I am from and give the items to my mother or aunt for them to sell in a yard sale or donate to church on the town across the border.

It's a work in progress. 

One thing that is different to get rid of is written things. Something like a paragraph, a poem, a thought. I've found from time to time written things that I want to eliminate for the physicality of it, however don't want to forget the written material itself. The solution for this I am finding will be a combination of a photo/image of the physically written item and then blog/write it out including the image of the item. A very noncommittal maybe in the future also create a video reading it or to music.

So look for some of this from time to time. 

#Clutter #DeClutter #MindOverMattter

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