Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Celebrating Black History Month! - February 2009



Celebrating Black History Month! - February 2009
From February 2009

During my time with the TFST Diversity Council—which would undergo several name changes in the future, including Tempe Diversity Council, Tempe Diversity & Inclusion Council, Tempe Inclusion Council, and others—there was a period from 2008 through 2009 when we created and shared a Diversity Calendar. I’ve decided to share parts of those calendars where the information provided offers historical insights into diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Today I share this image from the February 2009 calendar Celebrating Black History Month. 

“I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.”

- Rosa Louise Parks

December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to yield her seat to a white man, as the law required. Her arrest triggered the Montgomery bus boycott.  Parks was fined $14 which she refused to pay and instead appealed to the circuit court.

A 1956 district court lawsuit brought by the Montgomery Improvement Association and other civil rights advocates challenged segregated seating in public transportation; the court ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court later upheld the decision in November 1956. Desegregation of Montgomery buses began a month later.

Audio: Narration by me with "Rainy Day" by Matt Harris from the YouTube audio library in the background.

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