Sunday, October 01, 2023

Blessed Mabon!

Taken on September 23,  2023

Blessed Mabon!

Mabon is a time to celebrate the balance of light and dark. Let's enjoy the fruits of our labor and prepare for the winter months ahead.

Let's raise a glass to the harvest and all the good things in life

--- Celebrated in Eagle Pass, Texas with candle that was made by #Armandzraven and wine from Del Rio, Texas. The photos that make this mini video were tken by myself on Mabon, the first day of Autumn/Fall, however, because I worked that day, by the time I finished creating it in Instagram as a Reel and then cross posting on YouTube as a short, it was the next day.

#Mabon #Fall #Autumn #EaglePass 

Audio: Twinkling Lights (Reimagined) by Auni

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