Sunday, September 27, 2020

Groovin' Gila Monsters! - Team Mascot Coloring Activity

From 2001  

Hello! Welcome to my Groovin' Gila Monsters Video. 
It's a team mascot coloring activity from 2001. 

After being at Target Stores for a year, I moved over to Target Financial Services from 2001. Now it's Financial and Retail Services. The team that I was in, we ended up naming it Groovin' Gila Monsters. 

We had someone sketch out a mascot for our team's name. Then, I used an old program to do a digital version of that we could then have as a coloring activity & as a mascot, that we could have team mates color. The actual activity, I think, it was either towards the end of 2001. Perhaps, sometime in 2002. I was in that team until 2004. I went ahead and put in 2001 since that was the year that I joined that particular team, and it seemed fitting since I don't have the  specific dates of when we did this specific coloring activity.

But, there you have it.

At the bottom you are seeing each particular Gila Monster as it was colored by different teammates that I had at the time. Anyways, this was a fun activity for that particular team. One of my, the first and favorite teams that I was in during my Target Financial and Retail Services years, TFST at the time. BYE!

Narration: By me.

Audio: Slowed down of the beginning of the song titled Percussions Rhythm from Buddha Bar IV.

#Arts #Crafts #Creative #Coloring

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