Sunday, February 28, 2010

Matsuri a Festival of Japan

The 26th annual Arizona Matsuri is this weekend, February 27th & 28th. The festival is from 10:30 am - 5 pm both days. There are many vendors of food, crafts, travel, etc. Also, several stages with performers and since it is at the Heritage and Science Park which is right by the ASU's Downtown Phoenix Campus, there is also an ASU stage.

I went there yesterday, and if time permits I'll go there again today.  There was a parade on Saturday at 10 am, but I did not make it in time for it.

Many people dressed up in Anime costumes. There was also a group who among them had one dressed up as the Joker and another as Harley Quinn. So, feel free to dress up in your best Anime character.

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