Saturday, April 11, 2009
- Woke up, early enough (good thing right)
- Made coffee, had a cup
- A coupon for a free set of serving dishes from Harrah's Ak-Chin Casino, Aaron had
- Drove to Harrah's
- Picked up the free gift, Aaron did.
- Played slots for about 10 minutes
- Put the gift in the car
- Lunch at the buffet, $9.99
- Cheap price equals cheap buffet(didn't care much for it, can't compare to Vegas)
- More slots after lunch(2 cent Playboy themed slots are fun, fun)
- Drove back home
- Laundry, mail, etc...
- Later, movies at home
- Dinner (don't remember)
- Switched off all power strips and cell phones in my room, wanted to sleep in on Sunday...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
- Woke up late, 10:3ish am
- Made coffee, had it with soy milk, Silk brand, very vanilla kind...
- Laundry
- Played Wheel of Fortune on the PS3
- Lunch and a movie(The Spitfire Grill)
- More Laundry
- Picked up food at Fresh and Easy
- Watched The Celebrity Apprentice
- Prepared lunch for the week(this week will be short as taking Friday off)
- Dinner, was not really hungry so just grapes and a cupcake, ok 2 cupcakes, also from Fresh and Easy
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