This month was full of Birthdays... Mine was over a week ago.. Normally, I take the whole week of my birthday off, but this year my b-day was on my normal day off and, since I did not plan any trips as I normally would I just worked my normal week.
If you have read my previous posts, then you know I like Christmas Cards and keep them filed. I like b-day cards almost as much. I got the expected B-day card from my mother. I love her. Other b-day wishes are always hit and miss. This year, I got a phone call b-day wish from Marla and a verbal one from my cousin, Jerry. His mother sent me b-day wishes from Texas. I also received several other verbal and online B-day wishes. My aunt, Gloria and her fam sent me a card. Aaron gave me a card. I even got a B-day Card from JcPenny and Ace Hardware. I was expecting one from my co-workers, but I didn't receive one. I did not even receive a verbal Happy B-day wish from anyone in the team.
At work, I am the one who ensures there's a b-day card for each person's b-day and one cake a month to celebrate the birthdays of the month. Since I am the one who keeps track of b-days then I made sure I mentioned when my b-day was at the beginning of the year, a month before my birthday and a week before my b-day, in hopes someone would remember and get a b-day card they could sign. Didn't happen of course. The people who would have remembered are either no longer working with the company or have moved to a different department/building. So I am done doing B-days for work. I'll still send Happy B-Day wishes to them, but I am no longer using my time and money on it. So moving on....
Today is/was my cousin Jerry's B-day... I took him out to his choice of place for dinner. There's cake and Ice cream pending for tomorrow as we were too full after dinner. We had a great day however. We went to the Tempe Festival Of the Arts. (Marna Schindler is the artist of the funky chicken picture) Parking wasn't free but the event was... It's been so long since I have been to downtown Tempe. It was nice. We parked near new condos being built(wish I could afford one)whose builder was sponsoring the event, along with a radio staion and others. We walked down the booths of exotic art, wild and still photography, creative art designers, southwest vendors ranging from clothing and decorative items to spicy and sweet salsas. It was Awesome! Today was the first day of the event. It will run through Sunday.
Since we were in downtime Tempe. We got to go to a store called Lotions and Potions. I got some foot Fizzies. Ever so often I enjoy a footbath and I was running low on Foot Fizzies. Usually my mother sends me some from AVON, but I only have one left of those.
Another store that's in downtown Tempe is Trails. A store for all your smoking needs. I don't smoke myself but, several days ago I was chatting with some of my co-workers about smoking and we came upon the topic of cloves. So I had to get some. Once In a blue moon I get the need for a clove.
So in all everything I did today seemed to fall in sync. From waking up in the morning to go back to sleep to wake up several hours later and enjoy Jerry's B-day while ejoying the art festival and the nifties I had been wanting to get.
Oh... In case you read my New Day has come post... I got my tickets for the Celine Dion concert... I will be going in May... I'll be in Vegas for almost a whole week in May... I also have my room reserved at a resort already... Now I just need to decide whether to drive or fly... my inclination is to fly as I would get there almost instantly and would not need to stop and gas up, and the way gas is going, paying for roundtrip airfare to Vegas would be less expensive than driving...
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