Thursday, August 08, 2019

2011 Phoenix Annual Parade of the Arts

Taken on November 12, 2011

This is a compilation of the 9 videos (previously uploaded individually) I took plus a handful of photos. 

Music:  At the beginning and during the photos it is Arrival by Midnight Syndicate from the Gates of Deliruim album.


Sunday, August 04, 2019

2010 Phoenix Annual Parade of the Arts!

Taken on November 13, 2010

I discovered the Phoenix Parade of the Arts (PAPA) while cruising in Phoenix.  

This is a compilation of the 3 videos (previously uploaded individually) I took plus a handful of photos. The color was adjusted to see them a bit better. 

Music: The first 10 seconds is from Vueltas en el Aire by Thalia from the 2002 self titled album.


Jay Brannan - Always, Then, and Now Tour - A Photo Collage

Taken on August 02, 2014

Here is a collage of a few photos I took of Jay Brannan at Pub Rock Live in Phoenix, AZ during his 2014 - Always, Then, + Now Tour.

Music: Always, Then, & Now by Jay Brannan can be found on his Always, Then, & Now album. 

#JayBrannan #AlwaysThenNow