I submitted to be a
Purex Insider back on 9/2/09 and received a response on 9/8/09 that said no without saying no. :) I was rejected... :) Something about them only having limited amount of slots. I'm thinking I may have not fit the demographic because looking at their site seems only females got accepted and all the reviewers of the Purex® Complete 3-in-1™ Laundry Sheets talk about the positives of the product. And lets be real, there are pros and cons to their product. So here's my two cents on that product that I have been using for the past several months.
What I like about the Purex® Complete 3-in-1™ Laundry Sheets is that they are convenient and simple to use for the everyday type of laundering. To use the product I drop one sheet in the laundry machine, turn it on, add the items to be washed, and let it do its thing. Then I transfer it to the dryer. It leaves the clothes with a soft clean smell. I found a fourth use for the used sheets. They are great to wipe dust off electronics. Specially the PS3 that seems to be a dust magnet.
What I do not like about the Purex® Complete 3-in-1™ Laundry Sheets is that they are not good at tougher jobs. For example, they will not take out the smell of cat pee and white socks will be clean but not white. Although, they do leave a soft clean smell I do miss the smell that using an actual fabric softener (Downy, Snuggle, Suavitel) and dryer sheet gives to laundry.
It is more than likely that I'll continue to use the Purex® Complete 3-in-1™ Laundry Sheets for small everyday laundry needs however for tougher jobs and for that great clean laundry scent I'll stick to the actual stuff.