Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A New Day...

This may be that last year that Celine Dion does her Vegas show called A New Day... I thought I would take a trip to Vegas this year in March for my B-day, but after crunching some budget numbers that will not happen.. at least not in March...

Friday, January 05, 2007

POM Kills Animals

When PETA learned that POM was funding deadly experiments on animals, they immediately asked the company to meet with them to discuss accurate non-animal test methods such as human clinical trials. POM refused to abandon animal testing, instead preferring to continue conducting useless experiments that require researchers to torment and kill animals in laboratories.

Other companies, such as Naked Juice, Frutzzo, Old Orchard, and Lakewood, make delicious and healthy 100 percent pomegranate juice without harming a single animal

Here is the link for full article: POM Kills Animals