Friday, September 29, 2006
Hot, hot, hot...
It's getting hot in here.... The a/c stopped working a couple of days ago. The filters were replaced, but it still does not work. Monday is the earliest that we could get someone to come out and fix it, so until then it's toasty in the house. Good thing that the nights are getting cooler, even to the point of being cold, but during the day from about noon to maybe 8 or 9pm it's really hot. On a positive note to this, the electric bill will undoubtedly be less when it comes in next month.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Off to vote...

It's voting day today in my district, so I am off to vote and then off to do errands. I need weed killer, household cleaning stuff, and to restock the fridge and pantry. I registered as soon as I turned 18. My first time voting was when I lived in Texas. I only got to vote once there, then I moved to Arizona. I registered to vote in AZ and have been voting early by mail ever since. This time, it's my first time attending an actual voting location in AZ, I'm excited and a little nervous. I'm not overly political but voting is the least I can do for my country. It amazes me how many people my age don't participate. I don't get it. How can you not vote and expect things to get better. The only way things can change is if we vote, and there definitely needs to be a change in this country, because right now everything is going to hell. Anyways, hope you all have a great day and if you haven't registered to vote.Please do so...
For further information about Voter Registration Deadlines in AZ, please contact your local Secretary of State’s office:
1700 W. Washington, 7th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2888
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Where are my keys?

Work was a bit of a drag today... The first part of the day went fairly quick... then after noon, it just went really really slow.... All I wanted to do was come home to blog.. nothing really to blog about just wanted to..
As soon as I was off work, I hurried to my car. I reach into my pocket to grab my keys and nothing. Where are my keys? I went back up to my desk and nothing. Looked through my bag and nothing. Went to the car and there they were, sitting on the passenger seat laughing back at me. In my haste in the morning to get to my desk I must have dropped them without notice. First time this has ever happened. Enedina was still at work so I stayed with her chatting until my ride arrived. Eventually I got home. Later, my cousin drove me back to my work's parking lot, and am now finally home able to relax...
note - this blog needed a photo, and I am a Thalia Fanatic hence the picture
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
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