Tuesday, March 28, 2006

B-Day Week!!!

This past week was my b-day... I had wanted to go to Disneyland or Seaworld, but it did not pan out. I spent my week just kicking back at home, and shopping, watching movies, and shopping, and going out to lunch and brunch, and shopping, and then some more shopping. From all the vacations I have had this one was most relaxing. Not having to pack and catch a plane, nor unpack or have to make stops to gas up, or make lines to ride this and see that, was great and free of stress that travel can create. I just stayed home did things at my own pace... I very much liked it... Spent a day with Marla... who i'd like to go see soon again... Spent time with Jerry and Aaron... I even had time to spend just by myself... Monday back at work I was a bit too relaxed as I spent an abnormally amount of time on tasks... Aaron did get me balloons, so sweet, and insisted on getting cake, so got 2 small cakes... That day we went out to eat and didn't feel like eating cake, but it was my b-day... So I chose the cakes... :) one was Red velvet and the other Tres Leches... yummy!!! Here are some pictures of them...

P.S. These pics are a bit blurry... Me need a new camera!!! :)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Signs of Rain...

It's the day before Spring and it is raining. Yay... I like rain. So maybe it's the rain, but although my b-day is not here yet, it feels like it's over already. Signs that it's over before it began are that I got expected and unexpected cards and presents from friends and family already. This is great as it's kinda like I got it out of the way. Ok so I am a year older yay, let's move on now people and don't remind me I am older. :) Oh and if you don't know how old I am, Don't Ask. A lady never reveals her age.

I am drinking right now a cup of coffee made from some really good roasted beans that Aaron got. It is some sort of special edition blend, available only for a limited time so get it now before it's gone type, that he got at Starbucks. I love Starbucks.

So the past few days I have been Shopping at Target like crazy. Friday went 3 times, yesterday once, but to Target Greatland. I do hope to go today again. Am I mad, just a little. Ha.... ha, ha...I want to get some frying pans. I had some that were given to me from my mother and others I bought through the years. For the most part I took care of them well, and they lasted quite a bit, but since a turn of events several years ago, they have endured much more harsh and rough loving, until they had to be put ot of their misery. Thing is now, the pots are lonely. So I shall get them companions. This way they will stop their bitching... Check later.. they may model for us.....

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Birthday Continues...

 Yesterday afternoon, Shannon brought Aaron. from Ajo and to do some quick shopping at Target. Aaron. made me a really neat looking and smelling candle, and gave me a Universal Prepaid Wireless Refill for my Virgin Mobile phone. You will probably hear me talk about my phone as I can't get over the excitement of having one.

There was also a gift from Lisa. She got me a whole bunch of stuff, all which I love. She got me candle holders, incense, candles, and in the color green. I like green. I'll be up in North Phoenix today, hopefully doing some shopping, drinking Starbucks caramel Fraps, and playing with the kids, with Marla. I was going to go up there yesterday, but it got a bit late so just stayed home.

It was a great day for Target yesterday. I went during the day by myself, then with Shannon and Aaron., and then a third time just with Aaron. I am also hoping to go again today with Marla. On the drive back from the third visit, I told Aaron how Marla. had asked what I wanted for my b-day, with my response being nothing, then as she kept insisting I said a Birthday Card. It is true. The one thing I like getting the most is a card whether it's for b-day or x-mas, etc. If they are handmade or at least embelished then they are even better.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Birthday Kickoff!

This month is my B-day. Previous years I feel the anticipation of getting to that date and turning a year older. This year has been different, just this week it started feeling that way. First i won a Target Giftcard at work, so with that I got myself a B-day gift, My first ever cell phone. That's right just now I am jumping into the cell phone, mobile phone, bandwagon. I did not get one sooner as it seemed as an unnecessary expense and the idea of people being able to reach me at any time does not par with me. It still doesn't, but for an emergency is the reason I got it. Plus it was practically free with the gift card I won. Also, 2 years ago about a month before I almost did get one, I got a call from MCI telling me that I owed them money. They were attempting to collect money from someone with similar name as mine that lived on the same street number. That situation was resolved and cleared, but you bet that soured my experience with not even having a cell phone. So rather than dealing with paying a monthly bill, as I will be using it mostly for emergencies, I got a Virgin Mobile. I hope to figure out how to work the phone today.

Yesterday: At work I got a card from my team. It was a real surprise. The team I was in last year did not do too good of a job hiding that they were passing a card around to sign. This year, in the new team I am in did, I did not notice it one bit. It lifted my whole day from great to fabulous. When I got home, I got in the mail a card from my mother and some money to get me something with it, and a Cd. The cutest gift so far has been from Pauline. She sits next to me at work. In a Target optical Bag she put in Athena Chocolate Wafer Rolls, Ferreo Rocher, and an awesome paper weight. I don't know how, but she nailed it. Ferrero Rocher is one of my most favorite, and I have never had a paper weight. I loved it all so far, and it's not my b-day yet.

It now truly feels like my B-day month.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Alcohol Affects Body Organs...

This past Sunday I was in Traffic School. Although we did not follow page by page on the handbook we were given, it was more of discussion on different points and traffic laws, there is some info we did not go over. It may be because it is obvious information or because we ran out of time, but I think it is still important to know this so here goes this info. This information is as found on the NTSI handbook we got.

How Alcohol Affects the Body Organs

Organs (Long-term effects)

Brain: Brain cells are altered and many die. Memory formation is blocked and the senses are dulled. In the long-term irreversible damage occurs.

Heart: Deterioration of the heart muscle can occur. Chronic heavy drinking increases the risk of myocardial disease and high blood pressure.

Stomach and Intestines: Alcohol consumption leads to gastric irritation and an eventual loss of part of the intestinal lining. The damaged intestine is less able to absorb lactose and certain nutrients, including thiamine and folic acid. A thiamine deficiency will affect the body's inability to replace worn-out body tissues.

Liver: The liver suffers more than any other organ. It filters most of the alcohol out of the blood stream and breaks it down. Because of its high caloric content alcohol displaces key nutrients sometimes causing malnutrition. Also, liver stores excess calories as fat. This is one of the earliest signs of alcoholic liver disease. Eventually the liver cells die, resulting in cirrhosis, a degeneration of the organ.

Other: Alcoholic males may experience shrunken testes, reduced testosterone levels and even impotence. Sustained drinking sometimes disrupts women's menstrual cycles and can render them infertile. Among expectant mothers, drinking can produce birth defects and cause mental retardation. Even the immune system's efficiency is reduced by alcohol. People who drink regularly increase their risk of developing cancer in the liver, mouth, esophagus, pancreas, intestine, prostate, and lung.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Hershey's Kissables!!!

Hershey's makes some of my favorite candy, La Dulceria Thalia, Kit Kat, Payday, Kisses, their new Kissables, and more. I am really into the new Kissables.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Crazy Hat Day!

This past Thursday was "Crazy Hat DAY" at work. So we got to wear any type of hat, cap, etc. where 3 prizes were awarded. One for Most TARGET branded, one for the most glamorous, and one for of course the craziest. I decided not to take a picture with my hat as I am on the Committee that put this contest together, so may have seemed unfair if I won, however Aaron made me a very creative Target branded hat. I have it on top of my computer. No one I saw brought any hand made hats. So mine was definitely the most creative.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Traffic School Weekend

 My work schedule dictates that I work every other weekend. I also have 4 Personal Days that I can use throughout the year with no questions asked. I either call in and say I will be using a PH or I can pre-schedule it. So my plan was to extend them for as long as possible and use them wisely or for emergencies. This month is my birthday so was thinking of using one either at the beginning or the end of the vacation days I will be taking for my b-day, but scratch that I already have enough vacation days scheduled. I would just be wasting it, and what if an emergency comes up? I was also thinking of using one this Sunday to go to the Gay Days at the Rennaisance Festival, but upon researching and finding that it is here until April, it just seems silly to waste a PH for this, when I can go on one of my off weekends, so that was cancelled. I was also going to use one for Tuesday, March 7th as I have court scheduled for a speeding ticket, but called today to extend my court date and was told to call Monday, when the judge is in as due to it being excessive speeding ticket he is the one to decide if it is to be extended. I did call trafic school to see if I qualified for that to get the ticket dismissed. I did qualify, but the class is this Sunday starting at 7:30 am. These classes I believe are 6 hours long. Last time I went was over 2 years ago, also for a speeding ticket, with Marla. She had had a speeding ticket back then also, so it worked great that we wer both speeding back then. This time I will be going all by my lonesome. It's going to be a looooooong class. Beats getting the points on my DL, but sucks that I ended using a PH for this.