So what's up with today? My alarm clock was set and either it did not go off or I slept through it. So I woke up an hour late, so was an hour late for work. Getting to work was an ordeal. I am not used to driving at that time in the morning which was 7-8am. I usually drive between 6-7am. SO I thought maybe if I go get a Starbucks It will all be better. There were more cars than usual but it was fairly quick, but a lady 2 cars ahead of me had some attitude. She was smoking and threw the cigarette butt before she got to the window and from what I saw the Starbucks person must have asked her to throw it in the trash, cause she got out of her car picked up her butt and threw it in the trash can. So glad that was done cause that lady looked like one of those who thinks and act as if she is superior than everybody else. Then got my drink left. Seemed to be going good but car in front of me stopped as a school bus had just stopped to pick up some kids. So here went more delay. Once the bus finished the car in front of me went, I started to go but the school bus cut me off and got in front of me. What was that. A school bus cutting me off, so of course I moved to the next lane over , and being the drama queen I can be sometimes I just stepped on my gas as far as it would go to get the hell of these stupid drivers slowing me down. So of course I was meant to get the next red light right. So I did, but on the side of the road after the light I could see there was some service truck stopped. Not a good thing as it was on my way and there are cars everywhere, so again I had to step on the gas and leave the others that were at the light in the dust so I could move over to the next lane and not be held back more time. The rest of the drive was not as eventful, but still people getting in the way or going too slow and city buses stopping and me going around them. I put El Sexto Sentido on which helped appease me a bit for the remainder of my drive. So a drive that would normally take me 10-15 minutes took me about 30 minutes. Hope the rest of the day goes well. Oh and hope when I get home Aaron is in a good mood, cause it seems lately my roommate Aaron due to his cold is in bitchy moods. So I normally wake up get ready to go to work go to work and am for the most part in a happy mood all day at work, but when I get home his bitchiness changes my happy mood to that of being upset/angry. So hopefully the Nyquil helped. Oh by the way you have to sign your life away if you want to get Nyquil. Well, not your life just your name, address, DOB, and DL number. So since myspace is no longer accessible from work I'll be posting this message when I get home, but the time right now is 10:05 am AZ Time.
What is wrong with today?!! So now it's past 4pm and my afternoon drive was also a riot. So I am coming back from work and I get stuck behind a school bus that is stuck behind a city bus that's unloading people. The light was green for a while but of course due to the stop, the light turned red and I am in the middle of the crosswalk behind the buses. They took forever so then I had to swerve around them and get out of there quickly. I think I am staying in the rest of the evening and hope tomorrow is normal. There's something about today, something in the air, that's just not right. I should have just stayed in in the morning when I woke up late instead of going to work. Everything is out of sync. Aaron however seems to be in a better mood so hopefully my evening and my night will be better than my morning and afternoon. Maybe I'll do some online shopping. Shopping always relaxes me.
What is wrong with today?!! So now it's past 4pm and my afternoon drive was also a riot. So I am coming back from work and I get stuck behind a school bus that is stuck behind a city bus that's unloading people. The light was green for a while but of course due to the stop, the light turned red and I am in the middle of the crosswalk behind the buses. They took forever so then I had to swerve around them and get out of there quickly. I think I am staying in the rest of the evening and hope tomorrow is normal. There's something about today, something in the air, that's just not right. I should have just stayed in in the morning when I woke up late instead of going to work. Everything is out of sync. Aaron however seems to be in a better mood so hopefully my evening and my night will be better than my morning and afternoon. Maybe I'll do some online shopping. Shopping always relaxes me.